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Another, yet relevant Skill combination sequence question

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 10:39 pm
by Farmer
There has been a lot of Skill combination posts recently. I have a question that promises to not be a repeat, yet if it is I apologize in advance.

Usually, questions have asked what is the best sequence for whatever purpose (dps, tanking), which is usually answered by someone starting with Shatter(in dps case), then maybe Rupture, essentially the numbers of skills one can get off before Shatter ends.

Yet, and again I apologize, there was a tangent on another post in which I cannot find, which suggested something that I have been testing in the Tunnels on Boggans.

Paraphrasing (I hate not citing sources, again I apologize) Someone said, their skill combination was something like this.I will call this Strat 1 and second one Strat 2

Strat 1. Shatter--> Automatic Hit--> Rupture --> Automatic Hit --> Double Attack (Shatter ends)

That struck me as odd, as prior to this I have used

Strat 2. Shatter-->Chain sequence of Rupture, Double Attack, then spamming skills that I have no points in, G. Swing, Sweep, even Pummel, basically spam chain stuff until the Shatter affect fades.

That being said, my question is.

Which is more effective? Strat 1 or Strat 2(solo purposes)

Secondly and closely related, I was fortunate enough to buy the halloween event haste ring with the poison click. (Apologizes, I am on campus and don't have the name readily available)

Second Question is, Does is the Poison click more effective on Skill attacks, or Auto-Attacks?

Lastly, if any of these questions have been answered on previous posts, I apologize.

Re: Another, yet relevant Skill combination sequence questio

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 11:48 pm
by DN-Angel
I can only and question 1 for u.

and the 2nd is the best choice so the sequence is

shatter max
rupture max
dbl attk max
pummel max

Re: Another, yet relevant Skill combination sequence questio

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 4:07 am
by Deathreaver
hey i use the first sequence xD
are you perhaps wellan?
anyways i dont have enough points in all those other skills to max them as im hybrid (use proc stance as 4th skill with extras in form)
but yeah for me obviously i use first sequence
if i had the extra points they wouldve gone in pummel and i wouldve used the second sequence

second is better but for those who would rather use frenzy or stance instead of that extra 4th skill (pummel) the first sequence is better
you can get in all of the attacks listed in the one shatter
the double attack you gotta do right after the auto though or shatter will expire (will be down to last second)

alsooo im just saying
if the skills arent maxed there is almost no point in using them
giant swing will just do your normal wep damage
sweeping will do like 60-90 less than the g swing
pummel will hardly do anything at all unless you have it at least 1/2 maxed or have gear

maybe in the descriptions it says it does more than auto but when attacking i find auto does more

plus in the first sequence the skills dont delay your attack (i think) so you just gotta wait for like 1/2 second and youll get an extra 200-300 dmg or whatever your auto is between every skill

right when your char makes the swinging motion (dont wait for numbers) start the next skill

Re: Another, yet relevant Skill combination sequence questio

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 5:44 am
by Criminal
do not spam skills at 1, not giant swing and not pummel, sweeping blow is the only useful skill at 1 as an AoE, not on single mob
u should use lvl 1 skills if u dont wanna get hurt by cloaks (fireblood, event golem's cloak, etc.)

so the first sequence is better for u, i would suggest adding swing/pummel as well to the build if u want higher dps

also, what i like to use, the reaper's touch is fine for shatter or rupture, if u want it to be the most effective i usually do like this

shatter - spam my skills - reaper's touch - double

i find it the most effective on double as instead of 100 it'll be considered 200 of ur dmg (unlike swing or rupture or shatter which is still 100, and doesnt affect my pummel as well) and then on haste spam melees will be better instead of slow casting skills using that poison dmg

so with reaper's touch on : double attack ---> melee hits (auto hits)

Re: Another, yet relevant Skill combination sequence questio

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 6:15 am
by Ezekiell
skewer is also good at lvl 1 cuz it has a fast cast and cooldown and the anc wyrm spear has slow autos.

Re: Another, yet relevant Skill combination sequence questio

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 6:31 am
by Immortalius
Strat 3 Shatter then chain rupt double attack pummel/giant swing/auto attacks

All skills must be maxd. Do not waste time using lvl 1 skills. If u dont have a 3rd dps skill maxed just finish off with auto attacks until shatter is done.

Chaining those particular skills cuts the animation time of the skills which is one reason it works better than strat 1.
Second reason is, If ur skills are maxed ull find the more skills u cast the better ur dps is and thats why strat 1 is inferior because it wastes time on auto attacks.

Re: Another, yet relevant Skill combination sequence questio

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 2:38 pm
by Criminal
skewer is also good at lvl 1 cuz it has a fast cast and cooldown and the anc wyrm spear has slow autos.
oh yes this is true, skewer is good at 1, but the OP is an axe/hammer user due rupture, so dont use skills at lvl 1

Re: Another, yet relevant Skill combination sequence questio

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 3:32 pm
by Deathreaver
Strat 3 Shatter then chain rupt double attack pummel/giant swing/auto attacks

All skills must be maxd. Do not waste time using lvl 1 skills. If u dont have a 3rd dps skill maxed just finish off with auto attacks until shatter is done.

Chaining those particular skills cuts the animation time of the skills which is one reason it works better than strat 1.
Second reason is, If ur skills are maxed ull find the more skills u cast the better ur dps is and thats why strat 1 is inferior because it wastes time on auto attacks.
if hes using proc stance or frenzy (im hoping he is...theyre good skills) he probably wont have enough points to get 4 dps skills
plus if you do all the autos together it seems to take longer to me
the autos after skills have (i think) no delay while if you do autos chained together you gotta wait a second every time you swing (weapon speed)

Re: Another, yet relevant Skill combination sequence questio

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 3:57 pm
by Criminal
Strat 3 Shatter then chain rupt double attack pummel/giant swing/auto attacks

All skills must be maxd. Do not waste time using lvl 1 skills. If u dont have a 3rd dps skill maxed just finish off with auto attacks until shatter is done.

Chaining those particular skills cuts the animation time of the skills which is one reason it works better than strat 1.
Second reason is, If ur skills are maxed ull find the more skills u cast the better ur dps is and thats why strat 1 is inferior because it wastes time on auto attacks.
if hes using proc stance or frenzy (im hoping he is...theyre good skills) he probably wont have enough points to get 4 dps skills
plus if you do all the autos together it seems to take longer to me
the autos after skills have (i think) no delay while if you do autos chained together you gotta wait a second every time you swing (weapon speed)
not true, i use frenzy and i also got
pummel shatter rupture and double maxed (well double atm maxed as 35) and swing at 26

Re: Another, yet relevant Skill combination sequence questio

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 6:09 pm
by Deathreaver
ah ok
well at my level you can only max 4 with one half maxed

with a fifth skill (dps) spam 3 skills wait for one auto and then do the last skill and auto (i think all that should be able to get done in 1 shatter)
doing the autos after a skill can reduce the delay
doing them as a chain you gotta wait