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Highest Dmg

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 10:03 pm
by Candies
What's your highest damage for:

Double Attk
Giant Swing

Re: Highest Dmg

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 10:52 pm
by Criminal
Shatter as armour penalty? mine is 41/40 atm, and i dont remember how much is it, the hit equals to melee hit, highest ive done with it was 1.4k-1.5k tho
rupture, mine is up to around 3.7k dmg, with 619 per tick, highest ive done was 3.2k+, dont remember how much exactly, no more than 3.4k i believe, on tick ive done 613
sadly my highest double was only 3487, should hit higher imo
giant swing , i dont use it

if u would include pummel, i could mention that my pummel is up to 4k, and ive hit almost 4k (3.8k-3.9k, around that, 3.5k-3.7k was highest on mobs)

Re: Highest Dmg

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 11:37 pm
by Candies
Shatter as armour penalty? mine is 41/40 atm, and i dont remember how much is it, the hit equals to melee hit, highest ive done with it was 1.4k-1.5k tho
rupture, mine is up to around 3.7k dmg, with 619 per tick, highest ive done was 3.2k+, dont remember how much exactly, no more than 3.4k i believe, on tick ive done 613
sadly my highest double was only 3487, should hit higher imo
giant swing , i dont use it

if u would include pummel, i could mention that my pummel is up to 4k, and ive hit almost 4k (3.8k-3.9k, around that, 3.5k-3.7k was highest on mobs)
Ahh.. I thought most people wouldn't use pummel since the weapons u use don't increase your damage you do.. I'll edit it
Also, why no giant swing?

Re: Highest Dmg

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 9:12 am
by Zyljana
I use a lot rupture: my max damage is 1823 with it... I m lvl 134 atm...

Re: Highest Dmg

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 11:07 am
by Criminal
Shatter as armour penalty? mine is 41/40 atm, and i dont remember how much is it, the hit equals to melee hit, highest ive done with it was 1.4k-1.5k tho
rupture, mine is up to around 3.7k dmg, with 619 per tick, highest ive done was 3.2k+, dont remember how much exactly, no more than 3.4k i believe, on tick ive done 613
sadly my highest double was only 3487, should hit higher imo
giant swing , i dont use it

if u would include pummel, i could mention that my pummel is up to 4k, and ive hit almost 4k (3.8k-3.9k, around that, 3.5k-3.7k was highest on mobs)
Ahh.. I thought most people wouldn't use pummel since the weapons u use don't increase your damage you do.. I'll edit it
Also, why no giant swing?
because, besides giant swing almost never hitting close to max, it has slow casting, with melees i could top or almost top the dmg im doing with one giant swing, unlike pummel, i can easily hit over 3k with pummel with extremely fast casting, and it hits much closer to my max dmg which is 4k, and also, my dl gloves give pummel, i have +8 pummel ring, and mordy mighty brace of pummel, ive always used that skill and i'll keep using it, even tho it sucks on bosses.

Re: Highest Dmg

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 1:03 pm
by Silently
shatter :-480
giant swing:3266

Re: Highest Dmg

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 1:04 pm
by Silently
double attack is 2000-2500

Re: Highest Dmg

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 2:30 pm
by TehGuyGaming
:( I havnt hit over 1000 on any of mine, but I don't have any ring or brace boosts

Re: Highest Dmg

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 2:31 pm
by Piilys
I dont understand why people treat pummel likes its a terrible skill... Its pretty op and it has a pretty fast reload time for a warrior skill.

Re: Highest Dmg

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 10:12 pm
by Candies
I dont understand why people treat pummel likes its a terrible skill... Its pretty op and it has a pretty fast reload time for a warrior skill.
Hmmm.. then I may consider using pummel again...