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Offhand for my warriir build

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 12:52 pm
by juanj711
I cant afford to buy platinum and gathering gold is hard so i have reached enought to buy a cool offhand.

Im considering this weapons(not trident as i dont like how it looks,will consider it if its really worth it) :

Gold blades
Everyone is choosing ice above all. But i was thinking if magic is not better overall as seems players have less resist vs magic and dunno about mob.

But not sure what to choose if ice magic or fire.

Im interested in this wep for his 75str wich is a lot and 200 elemental

Gold dagger
I was told the piercing damage multiplys by str and rejuv will help.

So wich weapon will give me more damage?

My build is:

Str 325
Vit 100
Dex 5
Mana 30

All future points ill gain i will set them to Str as my goal is to be a warrior damage dealer.

So wich weapon will give me more damage or will be more convenient for my build.

Will appreciate a good reply as i cant afford to swich.

Thanks in advance : )

Re: Offhand for my warriir build

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 12:56 pm
by juanj711
Am i missing anything?


Hope i can find some wisdom in replys.

Thanks all

Re: Offhand for my warriir build

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 1:19 pm
by Criminal
Golden blade will always give u more dmg, but if u need the rejuv, golden dagger/trident are the best options

Re: Offhand for my warriir build

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 1:20 pm
by Broscientist
Blade for dps, trident for regens, don't bother with the dagger as a warrior.

Re: Offhand for my warriir build

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 1:26 pm
by juanj711
Not even if dagger piercing multiply by your Str?

And wich of the 3 is better choice magic ice fire.

Im on android new world is otherworld.

So in a whole.... magic will help more?

Re: Offhand for my warriir build

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 2:07 pm
by Criminal
Blade for dps, trident for regens, don't bother with the dagger as a warrior.
thats not true, trident will get u better soloing, dagger will get u better dps than trident.
I enjoy using the trident tho, the bonuses, defence and dex bonuses for soloing, same health and energy or a bit more than dagger i think, same rejuv, lower dps tho.
Dagger gets better dps, and gives attack.
Blade has the most dps, yet no rejuv, but it has resist.

Between blades, it doesnt matter, u wont do much bosses, either fire ice or magic will be good, buy from ppl for the cheapest price u can get.
Pierce dmg and any other physical dmg does increase with str, but physical dmg is the most resisted, so even tho it has poison dmg, both the pierce and poison dmg will not beat the elemental dmg from blade, but it'll beat the trident.

Re: Offhand for my warriir build

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 2:10 pm
by Broscientist
If you level with a mage, get the blade/trident that matches his lure. If not, just pick whatever you think looks best because at that level it doesn't really make much of a difference.

Re: Offhand for my warriir build

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 2:13 pm
by Broscientist
Blade for dps, trident for regens, don't bother with the dagger as a warrior.
thats not true, trident will get u better soloing, dagger will get u better dps than trident.
I enjoy using the trident tho, the bonuses, defence and dex bonuses for soloing, same health and energy or a bit more than dagger i think, same rejuv, lower dps tho.
Dagger gets better dps, and gives attack.
Blade has the most dps, yet no rejuv, but it has resist.
What's not true? You disagreed with me but then essentially said the same thing. O.o

Re: Offhand for my warriir build

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 2:29 pm
by Criminal
Blade for dps, trident for regens, don't bother with the dagger as a warrior.
thats not true, trident will get u better soloing, dagger will get u better dps than trident.
I enjoy using the trident tho, the bonuses, defence and dex bonuses for soloing, same health and energy or a bit more than dagger i think, same rejuv, lower dps tho.
Dagger gets better dps, and gives attack.
Blade has the most dps, yet no rejuv, but it has resist.
What's not true? You disagreed with me but then essentially said the same thing. O.o
U said not to bother with dagger as a warrior, i said i just prefer trident for myself, but dagger beats trident dps wise, and if he wants dps and rejuv, dagger is the best choice, mostly with high str.

Re: Offhand for my warriir build

Posted: Fri May 09, 2014 2:35 pm
by Broscientist
That's great and all but i never said dagger wasn't better than the trident dps wise, you did :lol: