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New warrior skills

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 3:28 pm
by Linkey
Hello, I'm a new warrior just starting out. I have a question on skills. I have manage to get Shatter, but no luck on getting rupture. What attack skill should I use in the time being? I guess only choice are pummel or giant swing. Unless I can find double attack instead.

Re: New warrior skills

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 5:39 pm
by Poliwag
Hi there! Welcome to warrior :D so the build I would use would be dps which are these skills: ( If I can remember )

Double attack:
Giant Swing:

I would Invested In getting a hammer or an axe ( Hammer are slower but give more dmg, Axe are faster with less dmg. )

3 str
2 vit