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Good Warrior Lux Items

Posted: Mon May 07, 2012 9:16 am
by jamesmaawesome
Golden Blade of Battle-____dmg, offhand, $____
Golden Bodkin of Spirits-16 piercing dmg, offhand, $____
Golden Axe of Carnage-17 slash, offhand, $____
Mighty Crown Shield of Spirits- 60 armour, 10 energy + 10 hp per tick, offhand, 100 health, 100 energy, $180,000
Heroic Amulet of Rejuvenation- 75 hp, 75 energy, 20 heath and energy per tick, $____
Bloodlust Helm- ____dmg, head, _____,$ ______

Re: Good Warrior Lux Items

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 11:22 pm
by MikeShot2
Golden Blade of Battle- 12 slashing dmg, 20 armour, 20 health and energy, offhand, $60,000
Golden Bodkin of Spirits- 16 piercing dmg, 10 hp + 10 energy per tick, 30 attack, 50 health, 50 energy, offhand, $175,000(?)
Golden Axe of Carnage- 17 slashing dmg, 20 health, 20 energy, 50 attack, offhand, $80,000
Mighty Crown Shield of Spirits- 60 armour, 10 energy + 10 hp per tick, 100 health, 100 energy, offhand, $180,000
Heroic Amulet of Rejuvenation- 35 armour, 20 hp + energy per tick, 75 health, 75 energy, $200,000
Bloodlust Helm- 10 piercing dmg, head slot, 50 attack, $80,000