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Need help with pvp build and items
Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 1:10 am
by Aethadd Bees
I am a level 120 warrior on balor(android) and was looking for help with a build. Right now I am using wyld sun and mountain rings. Arachnus defense and protection rings wyld sun brace aggy protective stance brace wyld sun ammy and mighty silverweb chitin charm for my jewelry. My armour is might carapace helm adamant chest pants and boots heroic haste gloves. My weapons are dark aggy trident and ice axe offhand. Need help with skills and stats but feel free to suggest anything. Thanks a million!
Re: Need help with pvp build and items
Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:46 am
by DaWeeZel
Depending on whom you fight often, you may want to replace that sun ammy with a mountain one due to against warriors in pvp it deals less than your auto would from my experience. Braces, if I remember correctly, sun one adds strength yeah? If u could possibly send a pic of ur stat page and ur jewelry page so I can more easily look at things I'd be able to more thoroughly point out things. Also, don't use that spear, use an adamant hammer/axe
Re: Need help with pvp build and items
Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:22 am
by Aethadd Bees
Awesome thx I have bunch of lux on alts so I'll send pic later or post pics from site. What should I do stat and skill wise?
Re: Need help with pvp build and items
Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 12:46 pm
by DaWeeZel
Uh skill wise, shatter rupture double gswing and rest in prot ( some people use def form and prot, I feel the armor helps more than a chance to miss one auto tbh ) stats there are many routes, I'd need to see all your strength additions to scale your strength to that, once that is solved it's just vit from there. Some people choose full vit but I feel that, at the low-mid range ( im still in that category lol ) it's a bit better to have some strength, then later on your gear additions compensate for more than enough damage. Some people choose a really high strength build but I feel these are too inconsistent, if u play a Druid or certain mages they can take you out easy. While the higher vit/Medium strength serves as a buffer to just in general deter all classes
Re: Need help with pvp build and items
Posted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 9:35 pm
by Siliske
lux wise, you can beat anyone up to 150 easy. but for build go 4k hp, rest str. max out pummel, gswing, dbl att, no points into skewer since its a free auto dps. and the rest of the points into pro stance.
Re: Need help with pvp build and items
Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:23 am
by DaWeeZel
Curious as to how the build will work out with a spear and pummel.. Different, it is. And also, you sure 4K would be enough to safely kill classes such as rogues and mages? They can easily take down that amount of hp quickly
Re: Need help with pvp build and items
Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:37 am
by Siliske
Use a wyld sun ammy and don't waste any time and you can kill them before they get 2 moves in.
Re: Need help with pvp build and items
Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:10 am
by BlackMamba
Despite the pvp nerf, any mage can lure+oneshot you with 4k hp
Idk why on earth you'd recommend giantswing, that skill is terribly slow. Why not max stance and bash? The goal of pvp is to stay alive longer than your opponent. Those defensive skills allow you to do so better than if you invested points into a weak dps skill
Re: Need help with pvp build and items
Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 9:53 am
by saladin7
Despite the pvp nerf, any mage can lure+oneshot you with 4k hp
Idk why on earth you'd recommend giantswing, that skill is terribly slow. Why not max stance and bash? The goal of pvp is to stay alive longer than your opponent. Those defensive skills allow you to do so better than if you invested points into a weak dps skill
I used to mop any warriors that dont use pro stance so easily in my pvpbuild and Im pretty sure mages can do it faster. Your main aim should be to last long,let shatter rupture and dble worry about killing your opponent.
Re: Need help with pvp build and items
Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:51 pm
by DaWeeZel
Bash doesn't last long enough imo to be useful, and from my experience gswing works fine, scales to the damage of your weapons and when you swap to the only obsid hammer on server and use skills it hurts a bit when I'm not confident in the ability to kill.. And yes I agree that the goal is to survive long, but everything that I recommend and advise has aided in my ability as one of the more notorious pvp players mid-game.