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What i recommend from what i learned.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 12:48 am
by RazorKnight
So from being in Otherworld for about 2 weeks i starting to consider that warriors should change their strength to 200 for better dps and lvl up faster. Use 2 handed diamond sword for higher dps or one handed diamond sword and shield(if ur shield bash is at a high lvl) If u have full upgrade armor i suggest using it till u are able to hit the nasty mobs like those 106+ then start getting diamond armor. i will be keeping this post updated only if u want me to or just add more recommends to survive and lvl in otherworld. Im pretty sure some of u already figure this out b4 me so it will be for those warriors who has trouble in otherworld.
btw when you go on pot group with one other person about ur lvl. You be really amazed how far u can go on one pot with another person.

Re: What i recommend from what i learned.

Posted: Thu May 31, 2012 4:54 am
by Sir Blaze333
I am currently a full tank with no strength. Is it worth raising my strength at level 96? Or will mobs get too hard?

My shield bash is quite high, but i run out of energy fast (i also have 20 focus). Any suggestions? I still want to be able to take on some tough mobs. If you need more info on my build and setup, just ask.

Re: What i recommend from what i learned.

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 1:32 am
by RazorKnight
Well sir blaze raising ur strength will help u when u run out of energy to cast giant swing,pummel,sweeping blow, etc. You can maybe take ur strength up to 100 or 90 maybe? you will still have a good amount in health to still help u take on harder mobs.

Re: What i recommend from what i learned.

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 8:01 am
by Sir Blaze333
Thanks for your suggestion. By the way, 20 focus is enough for me to keep up with energy (assuming i dont spam shield bash when i can).

Re: What i recommend from what i learned.

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 11:40 am
by Steebo
My build was mainly focused on tanking, although with a little strength to help not getting ks before update. I have not yet needed to use the free rebirth book and things are going ok - increased strength and hp, as i level, along with the purchase of diamond armour (legs, torso and helm only kept heroic boots and gloves) and bodkin of spirits - so working well as both mid DPS and TANK:

* TANK - mighty crown shield off-hand - only use defensive skills and taunt, otherwise mana depletes too quick, but sufficient for tanking
* DPS - Bodkin of spirits off-hand - Constant skills as heroic amulet and bodkin regens mana without loss...

Loving the update guys - good work...

Re: What i recommend from what i learned.

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 1:10 pm
by Croquette
I'm bored of being a rogue who dies when a lvl 80 eye hits one time, so, I'm thinking to make a warrior dps+tank a little.

For a better dps, I suggest wk weps, like the hammer or axe.
If you want an offhand with it, take wk spear.
Icelord works too, but not very good.

Re: What i recommend from what i learned.

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 4:15 pm
by Sir Blaze333
I'm bored of being a rogue who dies when a lvl 80 eye hits one time, so, I'm thinking to make a warrior dps+tank a little.

For a better dps, I suggest wk weps, like the hammer or axe.
If you want an offhand with it, take wk spear.
Icelord works too, but not very good.
Looks like your rogue is pure DPS. Just add alot more vitality. Rogues naturaly have better DPS so ease up on the strength.

Since skills are effected by attack speed, slower wrapons are no long awsome dps. Auto attacking has always preffered fast attacks over slow attacks in terms of DPS. Now skills benefit from this too. A good offhand and a fast weapon should do it.

And for the record, diamond weapons such as the 2h hammer are faster than WK and have awsome damage.

Re: What i recommend from what i learned.

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2012 11:56 pm
by Superman
The problem with adding more strength is I find myself stopping to heal much more often. Is this a problem for you all to?

Re: What i recommend from what i learned.

Posted: Sat Jun 02, 2012 7:29 pm
by RazorKnight
yes those are one of those pros and cons but i am able to drop the mobs more

Re: What i recommend from what i learned.

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 8:26 pm
by Xell
I played a tank before update, right now I switched to dps for the sake of lvling. I raised my str. to 175 (hammer, sweet hammer :D). I can kill mobs a few lvls higher then me (around lvl 90) assuming they come one at a time. One fight takes about 50% hp away. That build allows me to still tank OW mini bosses. Since I usually lvl with my druid I don't need so much hp.

As equipment I only have warden, so I'm guessing that things will get easier once I upgrade to diamond.