So this is my current stats with hero defence elixer and defence form maxed. I dont use any bloodthorn gear or doch gul so i was wondering if this with just gele/mord/prot/faction gear is a good amount. Any opinions on making better?
Current Gear:
-Void celestial might axe
-Shadow Knights helm
-2 Proteus Braces (royal/imp vit/dex/defence)
-3 t4 lich rings (vit/defence)
-Huntsman ring
-Skain Ironroot charm
-Edl armour
Just need to know from other tanks on other servers if what im currently at stat wise is rlly good, good, or meh. (I know it aint BAD but..lol). Also if any gear changes i could make to help.
Note: Will not be getting any bt gear.