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I've been hacked on an account I made platt purchases on.

It's been a few days now I think. I would've though this wouldve been handled by now. My account has been hacked and the password I was assigned my OT doesn't work. Please help me. My avatars name is JadeWulfe. Level 83, Rogue. World Crom.
Jadewulfe: Rogue 120 Crom Bl4ckAng3l: Warrior 87 Crom
Jadesman: Warrior 54 Rosemerta Whitewulfe: Warrior 39 Epona
Shhh XD not telling you the name. It's a secret: Rogue 57 Crom >XD

Re: I've been hacked on an account I made platt purchases on

This girl??


Read thru her 11 posts and 10 of them are about supposed "hackings" and it's each week, a new account keeps getting "hacked" each week... a new account, it's hilarious... She has been "hacked" allegedly 3 times in last 4 weeks.

Can't you just like ban the ip or something? I am joking but seriously...this girl can't literally hold on to an account for more than 6 days.

How many circles do we need to go into before we realize we are spirialing around a drain? :lol:

Sorry for the troll post, but this is freaking hilarious to me.

I have said enough, but I can't wait To see her again next week.
Teaweasel 121 Druid (Morrigan, Clan: Avalon, On Hiatus)
Teaweasel 133 Druid (Arawn, Retired)
Best Build is a 30/30 in Thinking for yerself ;)

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