Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: 20 per tick?

A tick is a measure of in game time, around 4 or 5 seconds maybe? Get low health and go inside tavern to see about 200 hp and energy per tick.

A tick doesnt have anything to do with how much health you have.

Re: 20 per tick?

I could never measure it, but i believe a tick is 5 - 6 seconds?

When they say 20 per tick, it means they're getting 20 pts (health or energy, or both) every 5 - 6 seconds.

Edit: Should add that some ticks can only happen outside of combat, like the skills recuperate and meditation which cancels out once you're in combat.
World: Rhiannon

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