It said ''procesing'' for a very long time but eventually i got it... it stopped saying processing and it turned back to normal... i waited 4 minutes but nothing happened!!!! i looked on my itunes account and the 50$ HAD been subtracted from there.... i looked on the forums and tried turning my iPod on and off, opening other apps with in-app purchases and changing my wifi.... but this all didnt work!!!!

i tried it some more and clicked a few times on the 50$-3100 platinum button and than it said " this item has been purchases but has not been downloaded yet"
any idea on how to fix this? can i have my 3100 platinum? i have been waiting a VERY long time for a double plat week and now it has to go like this!!! i am very mad and sad!

thx in advance!!!
name: Dutchy
lvl: 89
world: Epona