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admins here is some pics from just today

i have been followed and harrassed by these 2 for months and months.. I had enough when the cussed out my 7yr olf girl.....

all this was in1 day in 2 different maps
Last edited by CommunityBot on Tue Jan 08, 2013 1:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Links removed due to them containing inappropriate language

Re: admins here is some pics from just today

Dude if you use the Img button you can make these pictures actual pictures instead of links using the direct url :)
And also you might have wanted to use profanity filter before posting...
Last edited by Rebirth on Tue Jan 08, 2013 1:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: admins here is some pics from just today

This is funny this guy does the same crap and when these 2 ppl block on of his characters he continues it on his alts. As for cussing out ur 7 year old why would u let her play and even if u do there is a profanity filter which u should have turned on being a parent and all. One other thing why havent u blocked them? It only takes one button to tap yet u havent done so. U should expect some hate after screwing with them on bosses and aggy.

Re: admins here is some pics from just today

i have been followed and harrassed by these 2 for months and months.. I had enough when the cussed out my 7yr olf girl.....

all this was in1 day in 2 different maps
I'm not gonna have a pissing contest with you on forums, we do this enough in game. You are blocked on all my characters, your just on a different character. Wich in the end I did block you.

You are no angel and take part in these childish insulting conversations just as much as any, except you go and playthe racist apple also. Admins can easily check chat logs so acting innocent is irrelevant.

I will add that we played for over a year even in the same clan. We know you don't have a 7 year old daughter, but in the case we are wrong and you have been a fake our whole celtic heroes career. There is a profanity filter and a block button. I'm not trying to give you parenting advice but it seems like anyone with half a brain would do so.

Obviously you enjoy it if you have let it go on for months... But who am into tell maybe you have battered wife syndrom and just apreciate that we show you some attention.

All in all... Your participate with this and chose not to block if it really did emotionaly upset you. But the fact you come to general discussion and falsely tell the situation trying to defame people, is just a joke.

You are a grown man, try acting more your age and less like your so said daughters and you wouldn't find your self in these kind of conversations with little kids using their daddy's iTunes apple. As you like to claim we are

If you really want revenge just continue to grief our aggragoths. Or has that not been working currently?
You making your self look like a baby on the forums just didn't do it IMO.

Re: admins here is some pics from just today

Funny how you don't post your responses or anything they may have precipitated this.
You would have the admins and the community believe that those two follow you around and harass you for no reason whatsoever?
Quit being a baby.
I would suggest that you should stop dishing it out, since you are unable to take it.

But, i guess all the times you harassed my clanmates that was just "someone else using your account"?

Let me look through my screenshots. Im pretty sure i have some of you speaking in a similar fashion.
Ranger 207
Clan Infection
World: Herne

Re: admins here is some pics from just today

Not only are u the biggest instigator in the game u are the biggest liar.

I can post screen caps of you using profanity just as well. But i realized using the block button was just as easy to rid you. In fact i have asked u numerous times to block me.

To use your seven year old as an excuse is just a cop out. First off why would u even let your so called daughter play on the same accout you verbally abuse numerous players. Thats is just bad parenting. You are a person who tries to bully people, but when they do it to you, you cry like a baby. Try using a profanity filter, it will solve all your problems. Well at least most of them, some u may need to see a doctor about.

Im starting to think u and nhdk are the same person.

Re: admins here is some pics from just today

The original posters name in this pic is rocksalt. If he cared so much about language and 7 year olds seeing it, why would he shout profanity? Failed parenting
Last edited by CommunityBot on Tue Jan 08, 2013 1:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Image removed due to inappropriate language.

Re: admins here is some pics from just today

Re: admins here is some pics from just today

Postby Swinefloo » Tue Jan 08, 2013 3:03 am
The original posters name in this pic is rocksalt. If he cared so much about language and 7 year olds seeing it, why would he shout profanity? Failed parenting



Posts: 55
Joined: Wed Jan 18, 2012 9:54 pm

first off RockSalt is not my toon but nice try.....

i luv have all the bottom feeder(infection) cam to post on a topic and still try to flame/deface my name but nice try...
why dont you kids just grow up.....

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