I have been having some issues with Celtic Heroes and am hoping that someone else has had similar problems and successfully solved them. I played on account named "Hylian" on the Morrigan Server. It was a ranger, and I bought 25$ worth of platinum. After spending most of the money, it stopped allowing me to purchase more platinum and asked that I contact iTunes Support. I tried this with no luck, so I made a new iTunes account with the intentions to buy platinum on that account.
This is where my problems began: I bought a 50$, and 15$ itunes apple and put them both on my iTunes account. (This was a new iTunes account I made for the purpose of buying platinum, I was worried if I used my old one it would glitch out and I would not be able to spend the 65$ on celtic heroes) but when I tried to purchase the platinum, I got a message saying it would not go through since I didn't use that iTunes account to download the app. I decided to delete the app, and re-download it using my new itunes account. After doing this, I attempted to log in and it worked but as I picked a world it disconnected me in a strange way. I tried logging in again, and suddenly it told me that my name and or password was invalid (I know it wasn't) so I continued trying everything I could think of and it simply would not work.
Now I cannot access that account whatsoever, I am completely unable to login and would really appreciate it if somebody could assist me with getting it back.
Re: Login issues
#2Hi there,
It is possible that your Platinum purchase did not fully complete, which is why you are having the issues.
Please take a look at this topic for some solutions which should help: http://celtic-heroes.com/forum/viewtopi ... 69&t=11537
It is possible that your Platinum purchase did not fully complete, which is why you are having the issues.
Please take a look at this topic for some solutions which should help: http://celtic-heroes.com/forum/viewtopi ... 69&t=11537
Terms of Service, Policies and Procedures: http://celtic-heroes.com/support/
Re: Login issues
#3The issue is not with the platinum, that ship has sailed. The issue is that because of me trying to fix the issues with platinum, i managed to completely lock myself out of my account. It seems you did not read the full post, or im missing something of relevance on that page and if thats the case i apologize.
Re: Login issues
#4If you have tried the solutions listed in that help topic (for example fully turning off your device, using a different Wi-Fi connection, etc.) and you are still having issues, the best thing to do is e-mail the Support Team at [email protected] and they can investigate the situation for you.
Terms of Service, Policies and Procedures: http://celtic-heroes.com/support/