Please help
#1I accidentally used my 2 crowns and 2 drags on my warrior when I really didnt want to use it on him now he has the sword if the shining sun when I wanted to put it on my ranger for the bow of four winds please admin refund my sword of the shining sun and give me back my 2 drags and 2 crowns

shathe level 96: the main
Iceshards level 61 mage: the alt
XxrougexX level 62 rouge: the alt
Supporthealer level 28 druid: the noob
Uberdragon level 32 druid: the bank
Shathe2 level 2 ranger: im working on it -_-
Shathehealer level 22: the healer
Iceshards level 61 mage: the alt
XxrougexX level 62 rouge: the alt
Supporthealer level 28 druid: the noob
Uberdragon level 32 druid: the bank
Shathe2 level 2 ranger: im working on it -_-
Shathehealer level 22: the healer