Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

thanks to support

just wanted to let otm know that they have a great support team, always helpful and try to make the game more enjoyable. if only they worked weekends :lol:

pigman, with the fury of the pigs and the mind of a man
level 210+ rogue
put your pants on, we're going out

Re: thanks to support

if only they worked weekends :lol:

yes kudos to the support team, they must have a heck of a lot of frustrated players on their hands sometimes judging by the amount of whiners CH has... ;)
Cronic, 143 Mage
Ninjastar, 127 Rouge
TheDarkSide, 67 Druid

Tada gan iarracht.

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