Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Disabled account

hello my acc has been disabled for 1 week i have asked surport many times but its still disabled my name is deandragon89 please fix thank you :) btw my world is sulis and i will say the true thing that happened ill be honest. first of all u must understand i believed my friend 100% i trusted him once u understand that continue reading....so his name is dragoin i think.. we swaped accs and we trasfered acc item we where fine for a few days. then the next thing i no is that the pass was changed i talked to him and he said he was on the acc for fun and using my items to like farm or kill mobs or something then he said he got scammed so my items where gone but he did give me some items back all but one my 120k shield he said he didnt get scammed and sad he was a scammer he said i dropped your shield the only reason why he gave me some of my items is cuz he wanted me to wear itt and show everyone i didnt get scammed once he gave me the items i handed my items to my other friend to hold the next 2 min he logged my acc and changed pass again lucky i didnt have items on it. he sold my acc to someone but that someone was a good friend and told me my details i changed the pass incase i was happy i was normal again but i still lost my shield. but a few days later my acc was disabled i contact surport but there was no reply. so i hopped on computer and checked out this wbsite today and i wrote this so please PLEASE fix this i understand i should have not done that but i wont do anything like this again PLEASE GIVE ME ONE MORE CHANCE THANK YOU i just love this game so much i dont want to give up thanks celtic heroes makers :roll:
Last edited by Usajese on Sat Feb 16, 2013 4:18 am, edited 1 time in total.


OTm doesn't HAVE to re-activate your account. It was possibly deleted for scamming or giving out your account info. Sending a support ticket is t the way to do it eather. You send in an appeal.
148 Ranger
102 Rogue
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Proud Member of InnerCircle


if your account has been disabled send an email to [email protected]
in my experience they take 1-2 weeks to respond so dont expect a fast reply.
explain your issue to them, and they should tell you why your account has been disabled.
pigman, with the fury of the pigs and the mind of a man
level 210+ rogue
put your pants on, we're going out

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