Celtic Heroes

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Regarding the Warden Quest Givers...

Ok, so, I am in the middle of making a Warden Quest guide for my clan's forums - it's extremely detailed - and I need some help here...

I googled warden quest givers and all the results do not answer my question, so I hope somebody would know here...

My main and alt toons both have done these quests, I just can't remember..

I know Oisin does the Warden Weapon Quest:
But what part of the Warden set do the others give you?

Rhallai - ?
Vinda - ?
Griga - ?
Brixos - ?
Eanan - ?

Can someone please tell me who gives out which quest? Thanks.
~*~General Frae & Guardian Fraelynn of clan Outliers in Rhiannon.~*~

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