Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Poll topic?

Is it possible to make a poll topic on this forum like the photo contest was or is OTM the only ones that can make formats like that?
This is what happens when you challenge the better clan on sever.
Your ass shoots flames, literally your ass will shoot flames.

Re: Poll topic?

Only administrators can create topics which feature a poll.
Is there a reason for this? Just curious. If you are able to change it, I think you should - with alot of other forums I use, standard users are able to create polls. A prime example is guildlaunch.com.
Cronic, 143 Mage
Ninjastar, 127 Rouge
TheDarkSide, 67 Druid

Tada gan iarracht.

Re: Poll topic?

Only administrators can create topics which feature a poll.
Is this actually true because i was thinking if you write a program set up a URL page and then use the URL feature in the post you can have your program displayed in your post havent tried this yet, would this work?

Re: Poll topic?

Either way if it did OTM would delete or lock the topic, because they don't want you to know thatthey aren't policing their company.
This is what happens when you challenge the better clan on sever.
Your ass shoots flames, literally your ass will shoot flames.

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