Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Got my account hacked and 670k lost!

The issue is otm have easy way for player to guess a user name just make a new account. And you will find the taken usernames after that some ppl crack or guess the password because unlimited try attemps to log in this should be look and make at 10 or so attemp a cool down time or email password reset.

Another way players are gettin in accounts and its getting out hand especially in danu.
Inactive player .

En este juego , mientras tanto otros juegos se llevan mi plata.

Re: Got my account hacked and 670k lost!

Don't believeit all fFromen, of the last two "hacked accounts" one was sold and one was a fake hack, as in it didn't actually happen.
D0nk0 Lvl143 warrior
D1nk1 lvl90 druid (retired)
D2nk2 lvl70 ranger (retired)
D3nk3 lvl128 druid (dual log)
D4nk4 Lvl142 ranger (tri log)
D6nk6 lvl80 mage (retired)

General of PRIME
Proud owner of 2 full darkflame sets

D5nk5 lvl85 rogue (arawn)

Re: Got my account hacked and 670k lost!

I have receive few ppl whisper in few cases last week to get in in the clan I am , we have strict policy on share/sold accounts, but we dont feel the necesity to report any players as we dont have all the info but we do recommend in all cases to make a support ticket if any wrong doing or scam is involve.

But usually scammers get out control when a update is close , so we recomend our new and younger clanmates not to share any personal info like email adress and to make a long and secure password .
Inactive player .

En este juego , mientras tanto otros juegos se llevan mi plata.

Re: Got my account hacked and 670k lost!

Actually you can have your account compromised without tell your username or pass, It has happened about 3 or 4 times in lugh and its happened to one of my best friends. They just ask questions like when you made your account how many characters you have, how much plat you have bought and what you bought, then they find out your stats and a lot of stuff you have in your bank. I know because some noob kept asking me a lot of personal questions like they... then im assuming they just tell support they forgot their username and pass and tell them all the info the acquired, im pretty sure that's how they keep doing it... so I suggest if someone keeps asking those questions just block them and tell your clan about them

Barrack Hussein Obama t(-.-t) Barrack Hussein Obama t(-.-t)

Re: Got my account hacked and 670k lost!

Actually you can have your account compromised without tell your username or pass, It has happened about 3 or 4 times in lugh and its happened to one of my best friends. They just ask questions like when you made your account how many characters you have, how much plat you have bought and what you bought, then they find out your stats and a lot of stuff you have in your bank. I know because some noob kept asking me a lot of personal questions like they... then im assuming they just tell support they forgot their username and pass and tell them all the info the acquired, im pretty sure that's how they keep doing it... so I suggest if someone keeps asking those questions just block them and tell your clan about them
+10 this is the only way to get someones acc besides guessung the pass or being told.

Re: Got my account hacked and 670k lost!

If you tell someone all those details, then you kind of deserve what is coming.
D0nk0 Lvl143 warrior
D1nk1 lvl90 druid (retired)
D2nk2 lvl70 ranger (retired)
D3nk3 lvl128 druid (dual log)
D4nk4 Lvl142 ranger (tri log)
D6nk6 lvl80 mage (retired)

General of PRIME
Proud owner of 2 full darkflame sets

D5nk5 lvl85 rogue (arawn)

Re: Got my account hacked and 670k lost!

If you tell someone all those details, then you kind of deserve what is coming.
Well you don't really deserve it because they might just think someone has taken an interest in them, but I think it is fairly obvious now because it has happened several times.

Barrack Hussein Obama t(-.-t) Barrack Hussein Obama t(-.-t)

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