Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: New ranger with some questions

what class are you and what are the stats for that character (list the points in skills and stats)
stop. spamming. for. yer. stupid. post. count!!!!!
@ uzi, sharp shot starts doing same damage as auto around 45. so i wouldnt invest to heavily, unless yer a dex ranger.
Thank you, someone had to say it. I 'have' been noticing cold's increase in post count. Starting to bug me..
And for SeeI, yes its a good idea to save up gold for ancient armor. For the real quest line idk about that, its been a long time since i did that :? ... But anyways its a good move to ask in the forums, if u have more questions just stop by the ranger forum.
World: Rosmerta
Ranger: Lvl 116
Clan: Horizons
No Longer Retired

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