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Lvl 34 ranger stuck at this lvl

Im in Shalemont Ravine trying to grind but feeling like im getting no where the quest i have are the repeatable ones and then some other quests that i seem to die too quick to complete. im not if the reason is my gear or the area. would love some advice/help

Re: Lvl 34 ranger stuck at this lvl

Well if u seem to die too quick then u might want to change your stats around or get a druid.also train around greygourge and mobs by klondur to get good xp.it depends on ur gear and stats cuz I had a bit of a problem until I rebirthed.I use light heal,rapid shot,sharp shot (its at 1 but only because at the end of rapid it doesn't give u the last hit),I do upgrade bolas but never use it,don't need to.
Dynamit1 - 215 Druid
Dynasaur - 205 Mage
Dynamit3 - 223 Rogue
Dynamit4 - 220 Warrior
Dynamit5 - 217 Ranger

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