Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices


How many lixes would it take to hit 150? From 148 I have 62 and hoping it's enough maybe 30 per lvl? Or 20 for 148-149 and 149-150 40?? Please help :) thanks
L V l 189 W a r r i o r

Re: 148-150

If ur lvling in grps that kill fast, u should only need about 30. And 10-15 per lvl
World - Mabon
-Bluntm4n- Rogue 225 EDL armor and MH/OH
-B0las- Ranger 211 EDL armor DL MH/OH
-YellaHeals- Druid 200 DL armor and MH/OH
Clan - Elite

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