Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Getting real annoyed

Gwydion is crashin on a regular bases. Before anyone says its my wifi lets get this clear everyone on my server isnt on my wifi so why would everyone get booted. Ik it crashes because A i cant get in gwydion B i manage to log in every other server but gwydion. I wana know why we are the only ones that this has been occurring on more then others. It can't be beta why would beta be making only ours crash and not others? Can support or the design team look into this. One other thing if alot of players r on it y not increase the capacity in the server so these silly crashes wont happen again -.-
Former lvl 148 warrior

miss all you gwydion civilians

Re: Getting real annoyed

Hi there, we've been investigating this, and there have been some short internet lag spikes at the data center which have been causing the disconnects. We have put in some extra protection against this which will launch in the expansion and should help. The servers themselves have been running fine there haven't been any crashes, just the lag spikes.

Hope that helps to clear up the issue a bit.

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