Now we all know scammers dont get punished, not even investigated. You can delete collision files and not get in trouble. Admins actually don't enforce ANYTHING in the game. They dump forums responsibilities on some forum mods who take their job as serious as a heart attack ( why when admins dont care them selves).
But aside from all that, as it's been almost two years and we have all grown to this kind of policing.
But what I really want to know is WHY you have a beta tester releasing beta information, the gaming community knows who it is... Admins MUST know who it is. And you do NOTHING about it? Why would this slime ball not be kicked from beta? Your gonna finalize beta and this leaker will just release more pictures and videos of the new updates items and gear , and everything you don't want leaked. Can you really not do anything to police your game?
Instead the beta testers have to waste their time with beta disclaimers about how the images shown may not be final yatta yatta.
At what point in this game production do the admins grow a spine?
Re: When will OTM stand up?
#3Ahem. Can i speak? Well, i didnt put out the video.. I just gave the pics for it lol