Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

What the heck just happened?

(I'm sorry if this sounds like a jumbled mess, but I'm not quite sure how to explain this.)
So I was just (a few minutes ago) leveling my main and all of the sudden my app kicked me out of the game. I'm not sure whether or not it was lagging (it didn't appear to be). When I was back on the app's home/log in screen, I tried to hit continue (as I normally do), and I get an alert message that says, "This account is already logged in." I have never gotten this message before.
So, I closed the app completely and tried to re-open it. I got to the world select screen and every world except the world I was just in (Mabon) was available/selectable. I tried this a couple times.
Does this sound like something I should be concerned about? Help?

Edit: Never mind, it stopped.
Basilla (Druid) - Level 140+ (Main)
Alesta (Ranger) - Level 100+
LemonPi (Mage) - Level 80+

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