Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

character accidentaly deleted

long story short i accidentaly deleted my main and my alt on my account and i need them retreived pronto because i have a crap load of items i need and vast amount of gold. i contact support and i shouldve known, support dosent reply so is it impossible to get them back or what?
lvl 100+ druid
lvl80+ mage

Re: character accidentaly deleted

Here is a page on how to restore your deleted characters:
http://www.celtic-heroes.com/support/su ... haracters/

Now we all know it takes a short while for support to respond. Please don't send more than one ticket because this slows down the process if everybody is doing that.
Also it's the first workday for support and they might have a lot of tickets from over the weekend to process.

Please be patience.
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