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Disciplinary Procedure? What happened?

Dear OTM Support,

I would appreciate it if you read the disciplinary procedure on the Policies Section of the forums. You have recently disabled my alt ScubaStab on suspicion of using a computer to break the afk timer, when all the proof you had was based on a suspicion by Solarus (remove at will voldy). I promise and assure you that IN NO WAY was I using a computer-program to stop the afk timer, as I believe it is expressly stated in the ToS.

Here is a section from your "Disciplinary Procedure":
Level 1: If a user breaks an in-game policy, the user will receive an in-game warning, telling them they have broken an in-game policy and should stop engaging in this activity immediately.

Level 2: If a user continues breaking an in-game policy after being warned, they will receive a final warning, stating that if they continue to be in breach of the in-game policy their account may be disabled.

Level 3: If, after receiving a warning and a final warning, a user is still found to be in breach of an in-game policy their account will be disabled without any more warnings.

What happened to Level 1 and Level 2? It seems that whenever someone has a complaint not involving accidental dropping/selling of items, you simply disable their account and move on to the next ticket. This is the SECOND account of mine that has been disabled due to your not following of the policy.

I would appreciate a re-enabling of my account, and a closer look at the disciplinary procedure that you are supposed to be following.

Thank you,

And Solarus, Regenleif was not disabled, and I never did bot this game. I would go into further detail about what I did instead but I feel it is off-topic to this post.
World Taranis

- Regenleif -
Aedin Flameborn

Former Leader in theILLUMINATI, Aeon, and Taranis United

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Re: Disciplinary Procedure? What happened?

Dude they did the same thing to me. This is something that they obviously just set up for decoration because they banned my account. All because they found out i was letting my friend log onto it to talk to a person he likes. Seriously? They act like I hacked the game to get 1mil plat.
I demand my account to be enabled because of all my hardwork and time i have spent on it. Also this is an obvious level 1 type problem because this is the first and only time i let my friend onto my account.

Connor23 level 103 rogue
Connie23 Lvl 220 Druid
Connor23. Lvl 200 Rogue
Heals4days Lvl 215 Druid

Re: Disciplinary Procedure? What happened?

@Regen - There is some more at the bottom of that Procedure post that you may have missed:

Although all users are subject to this disciplinary procedure, if we judge a breach of in-game policy to be very severe, we reserve the right to disable an account without warning. Users may appeal this decision.
So it is within their rights to skip to whatever punishment they see fit at the time. Considering the allegation is regarding something quite serious (by TOS criteria) it is logical for them to suspend the account during an investigation.
Dersu of Herne
lvl 135+ Druid (Double Helix Build)
Clan Infection... of the Britannians family of clans.

Re: Disciplinary Procedure? What happened?

@Connor - You seem to flip-flop on the duration of your offense.

You say this was the "first and only time" you let your friend use your account, yet you say in the same post "I was letting my friend log onto my account," which implies that it happened several times. In another of your posts you said "I have been sharing my account with a friend," which again implies that it is over a period of time, not once.

That's just a small point. It may just be a simple mistake in your choice of words.

More importantly, however, is that OTM isn't just banning accounts for sharing. There needs to be a trigger. Someone needs to alert them to the fact that account sharing (or anything really) is happening.

Being suspended without a warning is only the result of a serious charge. I don't think you've told us the whole story.

You said that you let your friend use your account so that he could talk to someone he likes. I think your problem just might be in that little nugget. Of course I have no idea, but it is entirely possible that the other person doesn't like your friend/your friend said something he shouldn't have.

If that is the case, your account might not have been banned for sharing, but rather because that other person reported your account for harassment or inappropriate language. Is that at all possible?

If so, you have a bit of a Catch 22 on your hands. You could appeal that it wasn't you who typed whatever to the person. Doing so, however, means admitting to account sharing.

If I were you, I would appeal in a very apologetic manner, not the cowboy style of demands you have been using thus far.
Dersu of Herne
lvl 135+ Druid (Double Helix Build)
Clan Infection... of the Britannians family of clans.

Re: Disciplinary Procedure? What happened?

@Connor - You seem to flip-flop on the duration of your offense.

You say this was the "first and only time" you let your friend use your account, yet you say in the same post "I was letting my friend log onto my account," which implies that it happened several times. In another of your posts you said "I have been sharing my account with a friend," which again implies that it is over a period of time, not once.

That's just a small point. It may just be a simple mistake in your choice of words.

More importantly, however, is that OTM isn't just banning accounts for sharing. There needs to be a trigger. Someone needs to alert them to the fact that account sharing (or anything really) is happening.

Being suspended without a warning is only the result of a serious charge. I don't think you've told us the whole story.

You said that you let your friend use your account so that he could talk to someone he likes. I think your problem just might be in that little nugget. Of course I have no idea, but it is entirely possible that the other person doesn't like your friend/your friend said something he shouldn't have.

If that is the case, your account might not have been banned for sharing, but rather because that other person reported your account for harassment or inappropriate language. Is that at all possible?

If so, you have a bit of a Catch 22 on your hands. You could appeal that it wasn't you who typed whatever to the person. Doing so, however, means admitting to account sharing.

If I were you, I would appeal in a very apologetic manner, not the cowboy style of demands you have been using thus far.
Oh no i meant that this is the first time i let a friend onto my account and its the only friend i would let onto it.
Oh and voldemort thought i was selling my account to my friend but really was a personal joke because he was leaving herne and start playing on my account.
If you go to Herne forum you will see my post.
Voldemort claims that he didnt know that it was a joke because it was through a text.
So yes thats pretty much it.
Oh thank you for the tip. Yes i have been emailing in a demanding tone but thats only because of my anger towards them. I will try a new approach now.
Wish me luck!
Connie23 Lvl 220 Druid
Connor23. Lvl 200 Rogue
Heals4days Lvl 215 Druid

Re: Disciplinary Procedure? What happened?

Hi no one but you should be on your account. If there are reports of you sharing your account and we find evidence of this happening then your account will be suspended until you go through appeals. Appeals will then look into things more and if they see it fit they will restore your account. SUPPORT DOES NOT DEAL WITH APPEALS. Please keep this in mind when sending in messages or PM's. All appeals should be answered on or before the friday of the week the appeals are sent in but as more investigation is needed for appeals they may be delayed sometimes.

If your having any issues please PM me and I'll see what I can do. This thread will now be locked as it is clearly stated that the actions of mods are not to be discussed on the forums.

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