Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Green rems

Greens rems are for druids.
•Green Remnants of Earth
•Green Remnants of Rock
•Green Remnants of Metal
•Green Remnants of Stars
•Green Remnants of Space

That's all of them.
World- Sulis
FrostKnight- LVL 222 Ranger
FrostDagger- LVL 198 Rogue
Sancus- LVL 197 Mage

Re: Green rems

Can druides only get green rems of rocks and stars
I'm not really sure of what your question means.

Druids can only use green rems and tabs... but a druid may get any colour in a boss fight through drops. You can trade with other players to obtain the colour you need.
Dersu of Herne
lvl 135+ Druid (Double Helix Build)
Clan Infection... of the Britannians family of clans.

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