what do you think a fair response from admin would be? one reply per thread? one reply per post? per 10 posts? an update on daily progress? hourly?How about you gtfo off my topic? Stop trolling the forums and go level because as you can assume from your other posts your a noobAww, do you have topic redirection blues FS. How about you stop whining and just play the game. Don't buy elix if you don't want. Level at a normal pace. If you can't handle this go play a different game. We Are Done With You.You have no say in this because you have no idea what is like to level 120+, I can't imagine 150+, So stfu if you don't have positive feedback to my topic. 10 hours for 1 level isn't a normal pace. And that's with elixirs 170+ Mobs need to give more xp and xp to level needs to be cut.
Back the the original topic, admin stop moving threads and reply to your player base.
what if they dropped by your thread and told you the leveling system and elixers were not going to change? what would you do in response.
it is quite easy to obtain the results you seek by posting how you would react to the different things admin could reply to your post. you know they read them, you want a response from them so you can respond to their comment.
take them out of the equation and just comment on their potential comments, you will find that it gets you further than multi posting about admin not doing their job. try it. individual results may vary.