Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Unsatisfactory Experience

I was wondering if anyone else was experiencing this? I sent a support issue to the OneThumb Staff almost 2 months ago. They said they would try their best to resolve the issue within a few days, but almost 2 months and no reply at all? What could I do about this?

Re: Unsatisfactory Experience

You can do nothing.

I asked them to move my sygils from my ranger to my warrior who are on the same account, as they have done for many players and my friend before, but they refuse to do so and even lie saying it is imposssible to do so.

OTM does what they want, when they want. If you are not happy about it, simply quit this game.

Truth is OTM does not offer an effective after sale service, does not really care about their community feedback, and have a real lack of transparency and communication.

They make you wait new updates everytime one year, always telling you it will be released soon.

They nerfed the stats or remove anything they think is giving an edge to their customers without any notice and consultation.

They change constantly the very stats of the mobs : HP, resistances, damages anytime they want. Like for example after the patch of yesterday : I clearly saw a change with some mobs I was used to kill before that patch. Worse is they will pretend they do not change the stats of mobs and bosses. This is so funny as oldtimers like me pretty well know what was a deadroot, an atrisal, a guzzletusk, a lavalord worth when they were released. How the hell we can proove it as unlike any MMO you do not have any infos about what you are fighting... No infos about the hp of ennemies, theirs stats, resistances...

When the Sygils were nerfed at the very beginning of the released of V3, admin pretended they were exactly the same, but the nerfing was made too big, and they were caught... Result after complaining they did put them back working as before as they could not change something we paid with our money and the feedback with apple would have been far too negative... But they punished the whole community of players by removing them completly from the online store pretenting they were waiting our feedback.

Guess what ? They stay definitly silent on the subject.

OTMland is a dictatorship and if you are not happy, just quit this game like many have done and like many will very probably do soon.
SHADOWKRAR : Warrior 182 Full Glacial
S007 : Rogue 182 Full Glacial / Full Radiant
SHADOWSNIPPER : Ranger 72 Full Meteroric
World : Lugh
Clan : Chieftain of BERSERKERS clan

Re: Unsatisfactory Experience

You can do nothing.

I asked them to move my sygils from my ranger to my warrior who are on the same account, as they have done for many players and my friend before, but they refuse to do so and even lie saying it is imposssible to do so.

OTM does what they want, when they want. If you are not happy about it, simply quit this game.

Truth is OTM does not offer an effective after sale service, does not really care about their community feedback, and have a real lack of transparency and communication.

They make you wait new updates everytime one year, always telling you it will be released soon.

They nerfed the stats or remove anything they think is giving an edge to their customers without any notice and consultation.

They change constantly the very stats of the mobs : HP, resistances, damages anytime they want. Like for example after the patch of yesterday : I clearly saw a change with some mobs I was used to kill before that patch. Worse is they will pretend tehy do not change the stats of bosses. This is so funny as oldtimers like me pretty well know what was a deadroot, an atrisal, a guzzletusk, a lavalord worth when they were released.

When the Sygils were nerfed at the very beginning of the released of V3, admin pretended they were exactly the same, but the nerfing was made too big, and they were caught... Result after complaining they did put them back working as before as they could not change something we paid with our money and the feedback with apple would have been far too negative... But they punished the whole community of players by removing them completly from the online store pretenting they were waiting our feedback.

Guess what ? They stay definitly silent on the subject.

OTMland is a dictatorship and if you are not happy, just quit this game like many have done and like many will very probably do soon.

This is definitely a thats is going to receive the mysterious forum censorship that has been emerging quite a lot lately.

Re: Unsatisfactory Experience

I, on the other hand, have been having quite pleasant responses from OTM support. I have got quests reset when I asked for it. I even got my sigils refunded when I asked for it. May be it is the way we ask? I don't know.. As far as the game is concerned, may be if we have bought plat and not getting what we expected is kinda sucks but I am sure OTM does not just close their eyes, ears and nose.. Just sharing my experience though... :D
BluePapaBear - 164+ Rogue - Rhiannon

Re: Unsatisfactory Experience

You can do nothing.

I asked them to move my sygils from my ranger to my warrior who are on the same account, as they have done for many players and my friend before, but they refuse to do so and even lie saying it is imposssible to do so.

OTM does what they want, when they want. If you are not happy about it, simply quit this game.

Truth is OTM does not offer an effective after sale service, does not really care about their community feedback, and have a real lack of transparency and communication.

They make you wait new updates everytime one year, always telling you it will be released soon.

They nerfed the stats or remove anything they think is giving an edge to their customers without any notice and consultation.

They change constantly the very stats of the mobs : HP, resistances, damages anytime they want. Like for example after the patch of yesterday : I clearly saw a change with some mobs I was used to kill before that patch. Worse is they will pretend they do not change the stats of mobs and bosses. This is so funny as oldtimers like me pretty well know what was a deadroot, an atrisal, a guzzletusk, a lavalord worth when they were released. How the hell we can proove it as unlike any MMO you do not have any infos about what you are fighting... No infos about the hp of ennemies, theirs stats, resistances...

When the Sygils were nerfed at the very beginning of the released of V3, admin pretended they were exactly the same, but the nerfing was made too big, and they were caught... Result after complaining they did put them back working as before as they could not change something we paid with our money and the feedback with apple would have been far too negative... But they punished the whole community of players by removing them completly from the online store pretenting they were waiting our feedback.

Guess what ? They stay definitly silent on the subject.

OTMland is a dictatorship and if you are not happy, just quit this game like many have done and like many will very probably do soon.
Lol. Like u should be talking about dictatorship :D

Re: Unsatisfactory Experience

Hi there the backlog does not go as far back as five weeks ago which suggests that the email was never received. Please either re-send the email or pm me here on the forums with the details of your request.

We are sorry for the delay. If people feel like they have had no word back for over four weeks then please re-send an email or PM me here.

Thanks for understanding, this thread will now be locked.

Re: Unsatisfactory Experience

I was wondering if anyone else was experiencing this? I sent a support issue to the OneThumb Staff almost 2 months ago. They said they would try their best to resolve the issue within a few days, but almost 2 months and no reply at all? What could I do about this?
Hi there, please use the ingame support too. rather than sending emails or forum pm's. The ingame support tool will send your request directly to a ticketing system and it will be handled. The support team does it's best to read through the emails and pm's but it is far better to use the ingame tool and will get a faster and more effective response.

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