Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Reporting a user

First off, sorry if this is in the wrong part of the forums, but I didnt know where to post it lol >.<

Also, I would have posted more pictures, but 3 is the max, so...yeah.

Me, my brother, and a friend of ours were fighting the All-Seeing One, and this guy named *removed* came up and asked if he could join the group. We refused, because he seemed too low of a level to actually do decent damage, and it was a clan kill anyways. This is what happened when we told him no. Could this guy have some kind of punishment? I know this happens to other people all the time, and I don't know why no one else reports it. I've sent an e-mail as well to support, asking for a ban or some other punishment. Please comment, tell me what you guys think.

Edit: OTM states, in the support section of their website:

Extreme Sexuality/Violence
This refers to clear and implied language which:
Refers to sexual acts of a violent or extreme nature.
Refers to violent real life actions of an extreme nature.

This refers to clear and implied language which:
Is recognised as a racial or ethnic slur.
Promotes racial or ethnic hatred.
Refers to symbols of racial or ethnic hatred.

Sexual Orientation
This refers to clear and implied language which:
Refers to any aspect of one’s or someone else’s sexual orientation in an insulting manner.

Any player who is found to be in violation of these guidelines may receive:

A warning.
A temporary suspension of their account.
A permanent suspension of their account..
Last edited by Voldemort on Fri Jul 05, 2013 12:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Please report the user using the in-game support tool. Do not name and shame others.

Re: Reporting: Doback

This is obviously unacceptable, but just so you know it is against OTM forum rules to post pictures that 'name and shame' other people.

In game support ticket was the way to go on this. A pm would have worked also i believe (not 100% sure on that).
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Re: Reporting: Doback

Are you Pr1est? If you are I'm sorry but on the last pic you said "I''m white" which is also racial.

+1 and -1
★ℚʊɛɛɳ øƒ Ғɑṩɧɪøɳ
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ケルトの戦士 (Keruto no senshi, Celtic Warriors)
Esquilax is the best!

Re: Reporting: Doback

lol how is telling others that YOU are white is 'racial'??

and yes this guy needs to be banned but I reported players like this several times but nothing happened. seems like otm doesn't even respect their own rules.
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Re: Reporting a user

Er, yes, I am Pr1est, and I dont see how I was being racist...just stating my own race. Also, I had no idea about the "Name and Shame" rule, so...terribly sorry about that. :?
I'll report him using the ingame support tool, thanks for letting me know :)

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