Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Meteoric Weapon Quest Issues

Ok, I have a strange problem here. It's to do with the met wep quest. Basically, I am unable to complete it. The reason being, I had started the quest before dragonfire was released, and I had got jaryn's half of the fallen star, and the focus of enchantment. Then the update came out, and a clan member told me to have my quest reset, since they changed it. I did this, then dropped the star and the focus of enchantment. Then my quest got loaded with issues. These being, I can't get the quest for these items, and my questline says i have done parts i haven't. I have contacted support several times, asking for quest resets and for these items to be restored, but to no avail. If there are any solutions, they would be great.
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