Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Admin deleted my post. What gives??

The only problem is that the ingame support button is only a "calm down and shut up" button which Has no function... I reported so many scammer and its weeks ago, the scammer still keep on tricking and scamming people with "cydia and blablabla double your gold" and "Blabla give me your staff i will make a golden 80% of it" ..... The support Tickets dont help so why is it so bad to warn player in Forum about the player names who are scammer? Keep on protecting the scammer, gj!

Re: Admin deleted my post. What gives??

The only problem is that the ingame support button is only a "calm down and shut up" button which Has no function... I reported so many scammer and its weeks ago, the scammer still keep on tricking and scamming people with "cydia and blablabla double your gold" and "Blabla give me your staff i will make a golden 80% of it" ..... The support Tickets dont help so why is it so bad to warn player in Forum about the player names who are scammer? Keep on protecting the scammer, gj!
We are looking at ways of improving the support system and how we deal with reports and player sanctions.

If you have any constructive feedback on this please make a topic in the Feedback and Suggestions forum.
Terms of Service, Policies and Procedures: http://celtic-heroes.com/support/

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