Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Tank and DPS

A tank is a type of player with a lot of health, who in a bossfight, holds the kill, and takes the brunt of the boss' attacks.
Their main stat is Strength, and they are usually warriors or rogues.

A dps (damage per second) is a character who, in a bossfight, does most of the damage. Their main stats are strength and dexterity, and they are rangers, rogues, mages, warriors, and rarely a druid.
Server- Sulis
Clan- Transcendant (Clansman)
Gemwing-Level 140+r
Aodhan- Level 55+ Mage

http://celtic-heroes.com/forum/viewtopi ... 45&t=51052

Re: Tank and DPS

Thanks which one is best
That is like asking which child is your favorite. :D
  • Do you like being right up front in the action and taking hits? Warrior
    Do you like dropping tons of damage using magic? Mage
    Do you like dropping lots of damage using mele and some skills? Rogue
    Do you like helping a group by healing? Druid
    Do you want to do a little of all of this? Ranger
DPS Warrior or DPS Druid are also used.
Also many of these can be hybrid (Druid that is mostly heal/buff but has strangling vines).
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