Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: when do you say enough is enough...

There is this user on the Gwydion server with either the name "name removed" or "name removed" that is always spamming me with clan invites. He purposly does it whenever im in battle. Hes got some real serious problems. He whispers me, saying things like "bwahahahahahahahahah I have hundreds of CH accounts youll never stop me!!!!!!!!!!!"
What a life this guy must have.
Fly our flag we'll teach them fear.
Captured and the end is near.
Firing Guns.
They shall burn.
Surrender or fight.
There's no return............
Under Jolly Roger

Re: when do you say enough is enough...

There is this user on the Gwydion server with either the name "name removed" or "name removed" that is always spamming me with clan invites. He purposly does it whenever im in battle. Hes got some real serious problems. He whispers me, saying things like "bwahahahahahahahahah I have hundreds of CH accounts youll never stop me!!!!!!!!!!!"
What a life this guy must have.
You can always use the magical block button :)

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