Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Reporting a player

The Support Team investigates every single report that they receive with regards to abusive language, and takes whatever action is necessary. This ranges from a simple warning to an immediate disabling of an account, depending on the severity of the incident.

We are looking into ways of making the support procedure, and the way reprimands are handed out, more transparent, but for now we ask that players first block any abusive players (which will prevent them from sending you messages) and then report them to the Support Team.

We do take the issue of abusive and inappropriate language seriously, but we require the assistance of the players to combat this.
Terms of Service, Policies and Procedures: http://celtic-heroes.com/support/

Re: Reporting a player

Blocking is barely a tool to combat this how about if block was made to block that persons account and or accounts? Not just a single toon. When 50 people block same person or report with pictures nothing is done anyways. I have seen this first hand.

Back to the pvp thing maybe otm should experiment with the ability to turn pvp on and off and alow people to do it in zones and maybe actually start giving it some serious attention as opposed to just a giant ring people get all worked up about. To those of you that say someone killing same person over and over again is harassment, at what kill do you make that call the 3 the 4th the 50th come on really? You are not forced to do glad quest and you can have friendly duels at castle. Other then that if pvp is not gonna get any love then get rid of it.
Last edited by Tugmiwang on Thu Aug 01, 2013 1:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Re: Reporting a player

Blocking is barely a tool to combat this how about if block was made to block that persons account and or accounts? Not just a single toon. When 50 people block same person or report with pictures nothing is done anyways. I have seen this first hand.

Back to the pvp thing maybe otm should experiment with the ability to turn pvp on and off and alow people to do it in zones and maybe actually start giving it some serious attention as opposed to just a giant ring people get all worked up about. To those of you that say someone killing same person over and over again is harassment, at what kill do make that call the 3 the 4th the 50th come on really? You are my forced to do glad quest and you can have friendly duels at castle.
Thats what i am saying. The blocking function does not help, and the report function is just senseless.

Re: Reporting a player

Blocking is barely a tool to combat this how about if block was made to block that persons account and or accounts? Not just a single toon. When 50 people block same person or report with pictures nothing is done anyways. I have seen this first hand.

Back to the pvp thing maybe otm should experiment with the ability to turn pvp on and off and alow people to do it in zones and maybe actually start giving it some serious attention as opposed to just a giant ring people get all worked up about. To those of you that say someone killing same person over and over again is harassment, at what kill do make that call the 3 the 4th the 50th come on really? You are my forced to do glad quest and you can have friendly duels at castle.
Thats what i am saying. The blocking function does not help, and the report function is just senseless.

being killed in the arena 100 times in a row is not harassment. verbal attacks are, and blocking prevents verbal attacks
pigman, with the fury of the pigs and the mind of a man
level 210+ rogue
put your pants on, we're going out

Re: Reporting a player

The Gladiator quests were designed to be a PvP quest - in order to complete them you not only have to defeat the Gladiators, but you also have to contend with other players in the Arena.

The Arena is also an open PvP zone. When you enter the Arena you are allowing yourself to be attacked by other players.

If a player is verbally abusing you, as outlined in this forum topic - http://www.celtic-heroes.com/forum/view ... 69&t=11539, then the player should be reported to the Support Team using the in-game support tool.
if you don't want someone cursing you out, cant you turn on the censor? Reporting usually doesn't do much good with circumstances like that unless excessive cursing happens which leads to harassment, which in that case you are able to report that person

Re: Reporting a player

If that's how it is then I won't argue but I can empathise with the OP on this. Not being able to step foot into the arena out of fear takes away the fun of an MMO but it seems like OTM wishes to condone this so I will step down from this argument.


if you are a forum moderator, i think at the very least you should be well versed in the ToS.
Ranger 207
Clan Infection
World: Herne

Re: Reporting a player

I know the ToS; what I was giving was my opinion and not any ToS quotations. As I said, OTM wishes to condone this behaviour (hence I knew this was not covered in the ToS).

I'm going to leave this argument now, but I just want to make it clear that I am not at all happy with this situation on behalf of the OP; evidently something I stand alone with.

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