Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Reporting a player

Blocking is barely a tool to combat this how about if block was made to block that persons account and or accounts? Not just a single toon. When 50 people block same person or report with pictures nothing is done anyways. I have seen this first hand.

Back to the pvp thing maybe otm should experiment with the ability to turn pvp on and off and alow people to do it in zones and maybe actually start giving it some serious attention as opposed to just a giant ring people get all worked up about. To those of you that say someone killing same person over and over again is harassment, at what kill do you make that call the 3 the 4th the 50th come on really? You are not forced to do glad quest and you can have friendly duels at castle. Other then that if pvp is not gonna get any love then get rid of it.
I very much like the ability to block all toons on an entire account. that would be somewhat helpful.

but then the whining starts about the PvP area. They already have done this: if you enter the arena the PvP is turned ON, when you leave it is turned OFF.
what is so hard to understand?
If you cant handle the arena, DON'T GO THERE!

I'm a ranger, everyone kicks my butt in the arena. I deal with it, go in with a group, or just don't bother most days.

Someone said that the arena quest is a privilege, not a right. I agree. Everything can't be handed to you on a platter. you actually have to work for things.
Sometimes I am just so amazed about the whining about how things are too hard in this game! people want everything for free without having to work for any of it.
Quests should be hard. I would say most are too easy.
ugh, i'm rambling.
Ranger 207
Clan Infection
World: Herne

Re: Reporting a player

I see killed over and over as harassment. If i attacked first then i dont, but if i were attacked first i would. If it a privilege, then people SHOULD be able to do it.

117+ Druid (Main) RedDogy
70+ Ranger
63+ Rogue
World: Morrigan
Clan: Looking for clan. (Old one was dead)
Current: Class Balance is a must!

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