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My account was stolen and I want I back

Hey fourms considering you haven't responded to my email I thought I'd get through to u on here my account balstrodamis was hacked level 152 by *name removed* I want it back and u won't give it back even know u gave it him because no1 else knows my username and password please get my account back means alot

(Official balstrodamis)
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Re: My account was stolen and I want I back

That account has been traded so much half of Mabon probably knows it's username. Also I know for a fact you are not the original Bals because he was a well educated man and doesn't type things like u, and no1. Also I know the first person the real Bals sold the account to so don't claim to be someone you are not.

Re: My account was stolen and I want I back

That account has been traded so much half of Mabon probably knows it's username.
Haha, that's a big Busted. Lol
D0nk0 Lvl143 warrior
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