Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

The tiers

Ok, I've linked my facebook and twitter account to CH and I get that there is a tiered system so every time u gain more follower/friends u go up a tier and get more plat for sharing lvl ups but what are the tiers?

Re: The tiers

one of a series of rows or ranks rising one behind or above another
Ashley A - Mabon - Novalis - 222 - Mage
Azona - Mabon - Novalis - 209 - Druid
0x15 - Mabon - Novalis - 216 - Rogue

Allymia - Epona - 220 - Rogue
Fire Mage - Epona - 220 - Mage

Aethinry Donn - Belenus - 221 - Warrior
Dakara - Belenus - 200 - Mage

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