Celtic Heroes

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Re: Where did the bounty board go?

what would be cool is if they fixed class balance first instead of this crap :x
Otm has too much on the plate give em a break. Classes seem fine to me.
There is a 35 page of arguments about mage nerfs in forums so classes are NOT fine, you must be a warrior or rogue
Crissa Level 115 Fire Mage of Rhiannon

PurfectCrissa Level 60 PvP Rogue of Rhiannon

Re: Where did the bounty board go?

what would be cool is if they fixed class balance first instead of this crap :x
Otm has too much on the plate give em a break. Classes seem fine to me.
There is a 35 page of arguments about mage nerfs in forums so classes are NOT fine, you must be a warrior or rogue
Yes thats the funny thing. He's a warrior and he says classes are fine just becuase he is better than the rest of classes.
Firefury360 - Lvl191+ Ranger
Drake007 - Lvl191+ Rogue
World - Taranis
Proud member of Aeon

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