Celtic Heroes

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Character restored...not what I was expecting

Okay about a week ago I asked support to restore a deleted character, I didn't know they would overwrite a character in place of the restored one, the overwritten character had all my things on it, Heroic Ammy, 25k, Quickblade (defector wep) tanned darkrun, a sharp sgian dubh, and a bunch of other things. I go to log on today, and I see not only my main character, but a completely empty alternate character. I didn't think support would overwrite a character like that. So I asked if I could have the items restored to the newly restored character, meaning all the items that were lost on the alt that was overwritten be restored to the new one. Is this possible???
Herne Rogue 140+ - INACTIVE


Re: Character restored...not what I was expecting

Sounds like you didn't have any empty character slots. Support wouldn't have done that on purpose, but I think they assumed that since you asked for a restore, you had a place to put it.

My guess is that you would have to buy a character slot from the plat shop, then ask that the character that was accidentally deleted be restored.

Who knows, perhaps as soon as you buy the new slot, the character will reappear. ie. It might just be invisible to you now.
Dersu of Herne
lvl 135+ Druid (Double Helix Build)
Clan Infection... of the Britannians family of clans.

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