Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Massive rouge nerf in last patch?!??!?

Some bosses are too big to see hits or there are too many atks to list and some get skipped.
The second is a big problem for me. Me and a ranger killed something today and it skips over half our skill hits.
+1 this is more than likly your problem or it could also be the boss useing skills when you use riposte
Except if you read the posts you would have read I solo the bosses and only skill I used was riposte to check. For some reason it's doing it a lot after the update idk why. I noticed the numbers were missing because I was obviously watching them lol.

I still think there is a bug because I've carefully watched and either riposte was missing or resisted (without it showing up in plain text). And yes for the xth time it was while I was being auto'd. For some reason this only seems to happen on bosses and not regular mobs that I have seen.
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