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Re: abilities

So the 5 ability things you get from the 5 different statues in lirs how do you train each one?
Go to mobs which cast spells and they'll train
Jakes Aura
206 - Rogue
Retired and came back - Playing this magnificent game for fun

Re: abilities

i may have forgotten some but heres the ones i remember to the best of my knowledge:

reflex - helps dodge attacks that slow you down or stun you like bolas, roots, shield bash
train on blackstones near fortress outskirts in ow, the connacht trappers near shalemont river, or the druids in druid pit

fortitude - helps dodge physical skills like pummel, giant swing, sweeping blow
train on golems in ow thats the only mob i know that frequently uses physical skills
some other mobs that use them but not frequently (they use like maybe once or twice per battle) are ow eyes and ow trees and ow kelpies
there arent really that many mobs that use that skill at your level
if you tank bosses alot (thats me!) your ability should go up fairly fast though

warding - helps dodge caster spells like firebolt, ice shards, firestorm, lightning strike
train on shalemont mages either on eastern hill in shalemont near where issian firecry spawns or at shalemont river - fairy loredancers also work too

willpower - helps dodge mainly lures like lure of ice, lure of fire, lure of magic
train on eyes (any kind) or the 3 scryers from the quest that you get when youre a low level in lirs reach near stone circle

vigour - helps dodge damage over time spells like rend, strangling vines, stinging swarm, incinerate
train on unicorns in stonevale or druids in druid pit in stonevale

do not train your skills on any rare mobs or mobs that have only one as it is not as efficient
Last edited by Deathreaver on Thu Sep 19, 2013 11:35 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Deathreaver - level 136 Warrior
Flametongue - level 62 Mage

Re: abilities

Reflex - movement skills such as Roots, Freeze, Sheild Bash, Bolas, and other stun/hold skills.
Warding - direct damage spell skills like Lightning Strike, Fireball, Ice Shards.
Vigour - Damage over time (DOT) skills such as Vines, Rend, Incinerate.
Fortitude - physical attack skills like Pummel, Giant Swing, Quick Strike, and Bonehead's Withered Beam.
Willpower - Debuff/buff or weakening skills such as Howling Wind, Lure of Ice/Fire/etc, Smoke Bomb, and others that make an enemy weaker but do not deal direct damage
LadyinRED Ranger 200
REDdy Rogue 200
Naturetouch Druid 192

World: Taranis
Clan: Aeon

Re: abilities

Reflex - movement skills such as Roots, Freeze, Sheild Bash, Bolas, and other stun/hold skills.
Warding - direct damage spell skills like Lightning Strike, Fireball, Ice Shards.
Vigour - Damage over time (DOT) skills such as Vines, Rend, Incinerate.
Fortitude - physical attack skills like Pummel, Giant Swing, Quick Strike, and Bonehead's Withered Beam.
Willpower - Debuff/buff or weakening skills such as Howling Wind, Lure of Ice/Fire/etc, Smoke Bomb, and others that make an enemy weaker but do not deal direct damage

Train these abilities thru :
1.Reflex - druids/fellbrother druids, connacht trappers, purple eyes, trees, rangers and druids in pvp.
2.Warding - Loredancers, mages in pvp
3.Vigour - kelpies, fellbrother druids, unicorns, stonefang, redbane. Druids in pvp vines and swarm.
4.Fortitude - kelpies, boss hogs
5. Willpower - scryers, purple or red eyes, mage spamming lures in pvp
LadyinRED Ranger 200
REDdy Rogue 200
Naturetouch Druid 192

World: Taranis
Clan: Aeon

Re: abilities

im not sure if you can train your abilities through pvp
also dont level your abilities on boss placeholders - ive realized this is not very efficient as only one person can hit you at a time

much more efficient to have a whole group of people hitting you
Deathreaver - level 136 Warrior
Flametongue - level 62 Mage

Re: abilities

im not sure if you can train your abilities through pvp
you can
Newton MELINDA theshydiot 133 mage and iCarly lvl 470 ranger

*** the world I go suiside hhhhh

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