Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Why are people so mean??!

Well get stronger and kill all of them!
A Druid beating a Warrior in Update 4... That'll be the day...
They usually do. They just cast a DOT skill on me and run away with they're expensive staffs.
Ugh, rich people... Just kidding, lol. I can beat most Druids on my server, though - I have only lost to one in Update 4.
x*Warrior Tank*x

Critical thinking greatly intrigues me.

Re: Why are people so mean??!

Well get stronger and kill all of them!
A Druid beating a Warrior in Update 4... That'll be the day...
They usually do. They just cast a DOT skill on me and run away with they're expensive staffs.
Hate it when they do that, just have to get lucky with an evade, land some hits, and let my sigils kick in XD.

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