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Re: Onethumb, open challenge to get it right, hyprocrite or

Nueee, like you said, you don't shep or the person that was called that horrible name. I don't mean it in a disrespectful way, I'm just saying i know these people, have been here with them for over 2 years and they're amazing people. They wouldn't lie, and they wouldn't start now. This isn't the first time this happens, and since you say you know nuke, you know how bubbly she acts. But that's it, its all an act it seems. She will throw those smilies to get you on her side only cause she may have a use for you, but other than that the biggest thing for her is some virtual monsters, and its sad how shes treated former friends and the horrible words shes used just to get stuff her way. This isn't a shame post just reporting a sad and disgusting comment made by someone's my used to call friend. And now we are trying to see if otm still stands by its policies and beliefs and take action. For the good of the game as community.

nuee if you knew in what conditions is our server, you maybe would understand better
Newton MELINDA theshydiot 133 mage and iCarly lvl 470 ranger

*** the world I go suiside hhhhh

Re: Onethumb, open challenge to get it right, hyprocrite or

I'm sure nukie didn't mean it in a malious way .... Hence the smiley face ... I'd be offended if it was somethin like " hey you dirty stinking nazi" something that could blantently be seen as malicious .... Don't be jelly of nukie :p idk you personally shep but this just seems like an attempt to ruin a good name bc of a personal vendetta you have against her..... Just sayin
What... I don't even...

Besides the fact that calling a German a Nazi is wrong full stop, I am 100% sure she was not joking around.
A mage at heart... Fire mage that is.
Currently actively playing the game.

Re: Onethumb, open challenge to get it right, hyprocrite or

As Yilley pointed out, there is much more to this story, and it will only truly be known by three parties. The two players, and OTM due to their ability to see chat logs. While I value Shepherd's POV, it must be remembered that it is only that... a POV. There are no photos of what was said to bring on the retort. In fact, it is rather suspect that those are not included.

But just a couple bones of contention I have with the logic that is being used in this thread and the other about this topic:

1. Nazi is not a race. It was a political party, that has obviously become synonymous with being an institution of hate. Regardless, calling someone a Nazi is not a racist remark. Offensive? Sure. But not racist. Semantics... I digress.

2. The analogy of linking Nazi to a derogatory term for blacks is backward and incorrect. One is a victim of a term, the other is a creator of hate. Calling someone a Nazi could be likened to calling someone a Klansmen or a KKK f*** up, as they both connote organizations of hate and racism.

With that, one could argue that using those terms is akin to calling someone a hater (and we all know how overused that term is). ie. If I am called a derogatory term, and I respond in kind by likening them to the creators of such terms... am I in the wrong? I would argue no.

The other unfortunate truth, is that the term Nazi has been completely and utterly dumbed down by the internet. (Search for Godwin's Law for an interesting rundown) But for now, Check this out: http://www.celtic-heroes.com/forum/sear ... words=nazi Aside from the page full regarding this current issue, there are 8 pages of people being called (or referring to themselves as) grammar nazi, or spelling nazi; moderators being called forum nazi; entire clans being called nazi... in fact it seems as if syhdiot used to have a Nazi cat as his signature!!! :roll:

3. No, Shepherd. You would never win any court case... small claims or otherwise. There is no case to build. There certainly is no grounds for a class action lawsuit as suggested. OTM has adhered to their policy (you just disagree with their judgement).

Your "family attorney" clearly isn't worth his/her retainer if you were told you could win. The OTM rules clearly state the incidents will be reviewed on "case-by-case basis," and that people found in violation "may" receive a certain discipline. The case was reviewed. Seems to me that OTM saw no wrong doing. Even if the person was found to be in violation, there is nothing in the rules that state they "will" be punished with any action.

If anything... you're "attorney" should have advised you against making threads like this one, as they could certainly be construed as libel or defamation of character, and would be of a more sizable suit than the small court grievance that you would, ultimately, have thrown out.
Last edited by Dersu on Fri Oct 04, 2013 6:45 am, edited 2 times in total.
Dersu of Herne
lvl 135+ Druid (Double Helix Build)
Clan Infection... of the Britannians family of clans.

Re: Onethumb, open challenge to get it right, hyprocrite or

1. Nazi is not a race. It was a political party, that has obviously become synonymous with being an institution of hate. Regardless, calling someone a Nazi is not a racist remark. Offensive? Sure. But not racist. Semantics... I digress.
It's not the actual term that is racist. It's linking her nationality to a negative period in history that makes the comment racist.
A mage at heart... Fire mage that is.
Currently actively playing the game.

Re: Onethumb, open challenge to get it right, hyprocrite or

By the way, has everyone who has posted on the topic I made on Crom gotten this?
if I'm the only one it's a shame
Newton MELINDA theshydiot 133 mage and iCarly lvl 470 ranger

*** the world I go suiside hhhhh

Re: Onethumb, open challenge to get it right, hyprocrite or

This is an issue that should not be discussed on the forums. As has been said countless times, if you wish to report a player then please do so using the in-game support tool.

The posting of screenshots regarding other players is not allowed either. The reason for this is that screenshots may only show a snapshot of a situation, or may be altered, and are therefore not representitive. This can then lead to other people assuming the message was sent in isolation and forming a viewpoint of people which may be incorrect. This is something we do not want, and it is why we don't allow people to 'name and shame' or post screenshots.

We also do not discuss individual cases on the forum, and neither should you. Such situations are between the players involved and the Support Team. I understand that many people believe the Support Team doesn't do anything with regards to these kinds of events, but I can assure you that action is taken. We are looking at ways of making the actions of the Support Team more visible, as currently it is not very clear if a person is warned or not.

The Support Team takes reports of abusive language very seriously, and they examine the whole situation when deciding what course of action should be taken. This can include a warning, a temporary ban, a permanent ban, or none of the above, and factors such as character level, play time, or Platinum purchases are not taken into consideration when dealing with such incidents. Each report is looked at case-by-case, and the decision of the Support Team is final.

However, like I said, individual cases should not be discussed on the forums. It is not fair on either party if they are. Please do not take this to mean we are 'protecting' people; these people are dealt with in-game, where the infraction occurs, just as any breaches of the forum rules are dealt with on the forum. More often than not the people discussing these cases do not have all the facts, or have one side of the story. If you have in-game issues with a player, raise them with the Support Team using the in-game tool, do not use the forum to single out people.
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