Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Multiple account registrations

My apologies if these questions have been raised previously. Aside from using the forum search tool to no avail, I have also called upon several experienced players for advice in-game with inconclusive and contradictory responses.
The questions pertain to registering multiple accounts to a single account holder / e-mail address, and are as follows:
A). Is it permissible within the terms of service for a player to register more than one account and to a single e-mail address, and will the application accept additional registrations?
B). Assuming the answer to both of the above is 'yes', will registering additional accounts in any way overwrite, invalidate or compromise the original account registration, or will all accounts registered run independantly and in tandem?
I already have a number of toons running on my main account, and even though I lack both the coordination and enthusiasm to dual log regularly it would still be preferable to have the option with regards to any new toons I choose to create.
At the same time though, I am also hesitant to invest time and rescourses into any secondary accounts without the added security of being able to register them.

Many thanks,


Re: Multiple account registrations

I tried the link, dt, but merely takes me to the ask for help section. Having trawled through all 61 pages of topic listings and searching any titles that suggest even a vague association with my post, I am still unable to find an answer.
With this being so, I assume the intention of the link was to highlight the error of this being marked a general discussion topic and to direct it to an area where it would be better served.
I fully accept the oversight on my part, and have tried to remedy the situation. Unfortunately however, I do not have the authority / ability to move the post, and apologise to any moderator that will be inconvenienced in doing so. I'll certainly endeavour to give move thought to post locations in future.
In the meantime, if a moderator or admin should stumble upon this post, I would be most grateful of they were able to provide an official and conclusive answer, as any information I have gleaned so far is contradictory.

Thanks again

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