Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Forum moderator sleeping

oh boohoo.. dont like to read it? either ignore it or block to people so you dont see their posts.

its the simplest things people can do but instead they make A HOLE NOTHER topic whining about it.

we have a load of members 3-4 mods cant handle it all...

and onl moderator ever active anymore is dsgrender... seems mod job took pigman and voldy out lol
Good Morning!


Re: Forum moderator sleeping

oh boohoo.. dont like to read it? either ignore it or block to people so you dont see their posts.

its the simplest things people can do but instead they make A HOLE NOTHER topic whining about it.

we have a **** load of members 3-4 mods cant handle it all...

and onl moderator ever active anymore is dsgrender... seems mod job took pigman and voldy out lol
See who's talking, if they wouldn't delete naming and shaming posts you'd have a problem, they're doing what they can (lutthias check your pm's please)

Re: Forum moderator sleeping

please report posts! i am at school or a work lots of the time so i dont have time to pick through every post, reporting them helps a lot
pigman, with the fury of the pigs and the mind of a man
level 210+ rogue
put your pants on, we're going out

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