Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Support need to step up...

Hi everyone, after recently being scammed 1.5m, i tried to get into contact with support using the ingame support tool and even posting on forums. My post was removed by a moderator and stated that i needed to use the ingame support tool to report people. So i did, ive waited a few days now and havent had a reply at all, some people might say you need to leave it a bit longer, but i have sent reports that havent been answered for weeks, some havent even been responeded to. Support, to be truthfully honest with you, I think youre doing a pretty bad job, idk if this is only me. But i would like to be helped, the game you've created is great, good job, but support is a crucial part and i dont think its living up to its importance.

Re: Support need to step up...

when you report people for scamming, they simply keep track who it is in case some future incident happens again, they can suspend the account for 1-3 days. :lol: (at least I think that's what happens)

support will not return items you willingly traded to another player, even if it's under false pretenses or fraud. don't expect any further reply from that ticket.

There are two types of people in this world: Those who crave closure

A business is more profitable if they don't gouge and piss off customers.

Re: Support need to step up...

Even though I do agree otm has no responsibility in giving back scammed items,they do however need to reply and act on reports/appeals/and bug reports. They dont even reply,which makes 90% of the people mad. Only authorities I can get in contact and a fast reply are the forum mods and admins. This issue has to be fixed.
P.S. Please fix the disabled accounts that did not need banning :3


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