Tell that to nations with capital punishment. I live in America where we execute murderers. Is the American government worse than mass murderers?Scamming a scammer makes you as worse as him. For example: You murder a murderer, is that justified? No, it makes you as worse as the murderer.I have a question for admins. If someone is attempting to scam out accounts and they're doing one of those "Oh, you give me your information and I'll give you mine" things, are we allowed to trick them into giving us their information and scam THEM? I was wondering if I would be justified in doing that. I welcome feedback from anybody, but some Admin input would be helpful.
I think the morality is that you need to be reasonable and justified and not hasty in these irrevocable decisions. If it weren't necessary to wrong people who wrong others there would be no need for jails or court systems.
The best way would be for admin to handle it but this would require several full time employees - something that OTM cannot afford to do. In the absence of OTM doing anythin it is justifiable to take whatever action is necessary to get back the items and or harass the offender. Just be sure to limit any collateral damage to anyone not involved and to be relatively objective about your actions.