Celtic Heroes

The Official Forum for Celtic Heroes, the 3D MMORPG for iOS and Android Devices

Re: Get off of your bums OTM


Do you fail to understand that this is a game?! No other game requires you to spend 100s of dollars on it. All I'm saying is that they can stop being so money minded and let us have a fun game play without spending tons of money on this game.
And btw im not talking about chests, if i spend 100 dollars on a game, i expect to be somewhere high in it. In this game if u spend 100 dollars and u try and use the gold option all u can get is 500 k! Which is absolutely nothing if Ur even an average lvld player. I really don't see why they don't just stop with this greedy nonsense and start being more nice.
And when i say I'm not getting my money's worth is because even if i spend 100 dollars on this game, i still get ignored on the forums by the admins. I think if i spend that much money on something i deserve a good service in return.
Yes I understand fully that this is a game, I also agree that the gold option definitely needs to be changed, when people can make 1-2 mil off of $100 they wont even look at the gold page. If someone spends much money on this I concur that you should deserve a good service, but with OTM's willingness to share information about how they work, who knows? They might be listening to some ideas from the player base. Just because no one from OTM staff replies to a post on the forums doesn't mean they don't see it.

As to this:
No other game requires you to spend 100s of dollars on it. All I'm saying is that they can stop being so money minded and let us have a fun game play without spending tons of money on this game.
I agree, the current lvling setup might need a tweak at the higher lvls. Imo elixirs need to become less important, put other things in the plat store instead of all these elixirs. I liked the fashion headpieces in the plat shop, it was a good idea. Other ideas might be special fashion, where people can pick what they want for a price instead of leaving it to fate, although this shouldn't replace chests. But enough sidetracking, over all I can't disagree with this, at high lvls it is very difficult to be successful in the game without buying plat, either for elixirs to lvl, or else random plat items to sell to get lux.
Have questions about anything? PM me!
Alternatively, you can rarely find me online in Sulis.
Go team #WorldSkillsUSA2019!
Harbinger of cold hard logic and reason.
Check out the player-run Celtic Heroes Database!: celticheroesdb.com!

Re: Get off of your bums OTM

Good points:
1. Current event has a ton load of stuff that's over 500k that only benefits 100+ players, I don't think anyone is getting 100$ of plat and transferring it through gold right off the bat for a mere 500k g.
2. This MMO is extremely expensive to level and get good gear on, it's not like Star legends (if anyone played it) where no one is expected to waste over 20$ to have a good character or to cap the toon, all there is there is either farming bosses for good drops (which is perfect since there's no respawn or cool down timers) or buy it off the auction (which this game lacks severely). Here though, a druid needs a load of sigils and vendor bought lux to hardly get through the game... Not to mention you can't buy health or mana pots in a vendor, making these classes needed but not really favored due to how "its a more expensive class to play with."
3. A game shouldn't relly on Plat buyers to keep the economy "going" or "stable". People should be able to level at a reasonable amount of time without any lixers to help them do so, if its taking someone hours for 1 level without lixing at 150+ then how is it fun?
4. OTM shouldn't really have changed the event spawns and dilute the rewards, if they don't fix the problem with casters then why do they feel the URGE and FUSTRATION to take away a candy cane from a lvl 1?
5. Game needs balance with boss drops for end gear, if a quest needs a certain drop from a boss, that boss shouldn't be with a spawn time of 6h and still not get people what they need... what's the point of wasting plat and gold to lix to high levels when you can't even obtain the end game armor just because you've farmed a boss for 2 weeks and can't get the drop you need eh?
6. Drops from mobs and bosses should be better than what the vendor can offer you just because you got gold, such as how Topaz Armor is somehow better than warden when you don't need anything but gold for Topaz but need a ton of discs for Warden that drop off 6 star bosses 70+, usually games offer lower armor and stats for plat based items within level range of other things but its not the case here.

Not saying this game is impossible to play without buying plat or lixes from people, but it sure does revolve around them when it comes down to getting fashion event items that only appear in chests...

Re: Get off of your bums OTM

Well I'm just waiting for OTM to get sick of arse holes like this and kick them off servers :)
Spend plat on this game and get to a higher lvl then you will know what I'm talking about.
Corleone lvl 193 Warrior - Tank. Robbed of my items and forced to quit.
Hrungnir lvl 175 Warrior - Dps.

Ex - Elite


Re: Get off of your bums OTM

THIS is why I never bought platinum from OTM. The platinum system sucks(compared to other games,real money based currency, such as plat, is much more fair in other MMORPG's I've recently played. )
Support Does NOT reply to you with ingame tickets.And it takes them 2 months to reply appeals or support emails.
And the worst thing is that,they dont even control or ban scammers,that scam people that may have spent some money on the item.
I got up to lvl 140 WITHOUT platinum,scamming, or hacking.( OTM said I used a bot,which is IMPOSSIBLE ,since I got a itouch 5g.Cough* They are just money hungry and want me to spend plat on a nother character since I got far without it *Cough) So yeah, I know what Im talking about wince I've played this game for over a year now.
Its impossible to lvl up over 140 without buying elixirs(which Super knows go for $2.00)

I preffer to spend $6.99 on a PC like game( Order And chaos) with a fair EXP gain,and a fair real money item shop then spending hundreds if not THOUSANDS of Dollars on a game that isnt even up to date in graphics

People like me arent going to come back and pay huge amounts of real, hard earned money, until there is a big change

Re: Get off of your bums OTM

The only problem with making it easier to do the game without plat is that it will become very easy to get to the endgame stuff if you DO buy plat, and when there are dozens of players 190+, probably hundreds 170+, there will be sooo many complaints that new content doesn't come out as fast. Imo the lvl cap should have stayed around 150, a nice and reasonably easy lvl to achieve, (compared to 180 or 190) then the game should have expanded outward, to more creative things such as fishing, cooking, crafting, etc.
Have questions about anything? PM me!
Alternatively, you can rarely find me online in Sulis.
Go team #WorldSkillsUSA2019!
Harbinger of cold hard logic and reason.
Check out the player-run Celtic Heroes Database!: celticheroesdb.com!

Re: Get off of your bums OTM

THIS is why I never bought platinum from OTM. The platinum system sucks(compared to other games,real money based currency, such as plat, is much more fair in other MMORPG's I've recently played. )
Support Does NOT reply to you with ingame tickets.And it takes them 2 months to reply appeals or support emails.
And the worst thing is that,they dont even control or ban scammers,that scam people that may have spent some money on the item.
I got up to lvl 140 WITHOUT platinum,scamming, or hacking.( OTM said I used a bot,which is IMPOSSIBLE ,since I got a itouch 5g.Cough* They are just money hungry and want me to spend plat on a nother character since I got far without it *Cough) So yeah, I know what Im talking about wince I've played this game for over a year now.
Its impossible to lvl up over 140 without buying elixirs(which Super knows go for $2.00)

I preffer to spend $6.99 on a PC like game( Order And chaos) with a fair EXP gain,and a fair real money item shop then spending hundreds if not THOUSANDS of Dollars on a game that isnt even up to date in graphics

People like me arent going to come back and pay huge amounts of real, hard earned money, until there is a big change
I don't like this guy in game but he makes a valid point. Buying soo much plat needs to stop
Corleone lvl 193 Warrior - Tank. Robbed of my items and forced to quit.
Hrungnir lvl 175 Warrior - Dps.

Ex - Elite


Re: Get off of your bums OTM

THIS is why I never bought platinum from OTM. The platinum system sucks(compared to other games,real money based currency, such as plat, is much more fair in other MMORPG's I've recently played. )
Support Does NOT reply to you with ingame tickets.And it takes them 2 months to reply appeals or support emails.
And the worst thing is that,they dont even control or ban scammers,that scam people that may have spent some money on the item.
I got up to lvl 140 WITHOUT platinum,scamming, or hacking.( OTM said I used a bot,which is IMPOSSIBLE ,since I got a itouch 5g.Cough* They are just money hungry and want me to spend plat on a nother character since I got far without it *Cough) So yeah, I know what Im talking about wince I've played this game for over a year now.
Its impossible to lvl up over 140 without buying elixirs(which Super knows go for $2.00)

I preffer to spend $6.99 on a PC like game( Order And chaos) with a fair EXP gain,and a fair real money item shop then spending hundreds if not THOUSANDS of Dollars on a game that isnt even up to date in graphics

People like me arent going to come back and pay huge amounts of real, hard earned money, until there is a big change
I don't like this guy in game but he makes a valid point. Buying soo much plat needs to stop
Like me or not, I always make a valid point..lol

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